Charlotte Dupré


Fortune Society - Documentary

FortuneSOciety -
FortuneSociety-03 at 09.44.12 -
FortuneSociety-03 at 09.44.30 -
FortuneSociety-03 at 09.44.39 -
FortuneSociety-03 at 09.44.48 -
FortuneSociety-03 at 09.45.24 -
FortuneSociety-03 at 09.45.49 -
FortuneSociety-03 at 09.48.38 -

Fortune Society - Documentary

A little Verité style short-doc video I shot  for The Fortune Society 

The Fortune Society’s mission is to support successful reentry from incarceration and promote alternatives to incarceration, thus strengthening the fabric of our communities.

Prod : Red Thread